Volume of Music in our life

Volume of music in our life

Turn it down, please!

Have you ever thought about the volume of music?!

volume of music in your life written by pedram bahaeabadi

How much it should be? When should you turn it up and turn it down?

You are in your car. Traveling to your home. On the bus from city to city. Or on air plane from Hamburg to Dubai. Why do you turn the music up in some moments, turn it down in some other moments and turn it off?

It is so easily to find it out. When you want to relax your body, surely you use swimming pool or even go to bed. But when do you open the music in your mobile phone, put the headphone on or turn the music player in car?

When you talk, your ears hear sounds, when you live in silence or crowded place your ears may rest out of sound or getting tired because of noises. This is the moment which your ears order your brain for relaxation. If you are a music lover, absolutely you use your music player to relax your ears. But one more thing has happened. When your ears get tired, it makes your brain a little heavy and you don’t realize that your heaviness is because of your ear tiredness. At this time you think that as much as the uncomfortable sound is in environment you cannot focus on your works, so you decide that listen to something that you like instead of noisiness of your environment. At this time people use their music to relax their brain, but something will happen in back is that your ears will be relaxed. When your ears are going to be relaxed your brain focus level is going up and you feel fresh so this is the moment you turn the volume down. Because the tiredness level of your ears have been reduced and now the high level amount of your volume works as a noise for your ears so you decide to turn the volume down.

Understand it?! It was the easily way for your volume raising and falling in your ears. And what we are doing in our new research is this for programming an application to automatically turn down and up your mobile music volume.

However, maybe you ask me why do I turn off the music suddenly?!

Imagine you are so tired, so you decide go to bed, go to swimming pool and relax for some times. One or two or even three days. But can you continue to rest more?! Of course not!

It is as like as what happened to your ears. Your ears have a work time. It can be 12 to 16 hours for human. When your are out of this time, you cannot do anything, because your ears send the message to your brain that I am out of service and your brain send to all parts of your body that I cannot do anymore for you as thinking, analyzing, speaking directly and well, digesting well and other body process.

This is the time you say ‘I want the silence’. Turn everything off and just want to sleep. And if you are on the bus, train or airplane, you even don’t put off your headphones, you just turn off the music and enjoy your silence to sleep.

I hope to enjoy it!

Pedram Bahaeabadi

Founder and Chairman at Iran Music Talent

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